Welcome to the support site for the ScrumTrivia app.

What is ScrumTrivia?
ScrumTrivia is a quiz game app for iPhone, iPad, or Android which allows ScrumMasters, Product Owners, or members of a Scrum development team to test their knowledge of the Scrum framework.
ScrumTrivia can be used as a fun pastime, or as a way to prepare for the ScrumMaster exam.
What is Scrum?
Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products, as described at http://www.scrumguides.org/
All the questions in ScrumTrivia can be answered by reading the Scrum Guide, although it helps if you have been to a ScrumMaster or Product Owner training class. ScrumTrivia can also help you practice for a ScrumMaster or Scrum Product Owner exam.
Each test consists of 10 randomly selected questions, and you have 5 minutes to answer.
Does ScrumTrivia run on Android?
Version 1 was released back in 2015 for iOS only.
Version 2 was released in 2020, and is a complete rewrite in Flutter to support both iOS and Android.
As of June 15th, 2020, ScrumTrivia version 2 is now available on both the iTunes store and Google Play store (click the appropriate link to install).
Note that if you are searching for the app on your phone’s store, it is best to search for ‘scrumtrivia’ as one word.
Do you have questions or comments?
If you have questions or comments, please use the contact us / comments form.
FYI, the icon we are using is a free one that we really liked – courtesy of http://www.quizanswers.com/
ScrumTrivia was created by Bridgewater Consultants, Inc., based in Poway, CA.
The lead developer regularly blogs on his personal blog, his blog about hosting, and a review site, and even another review site.